Preservation Detroit

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UPDATE: A Stay of Demolition For Corktown's CPA Building and What You Can Do Now

UPDATE: On Thursday, Nov. 17, the Planning & Economic Development Committee meeting voted to approve an interim historic district for the CPA Building. Over a dozen community members and business owners showed up to speak out against the proposed demolition and talk about the importance of saving historic structures for strong neighborhoods and local economies. The proposed designation now goes to the full City Council and is likely to be on the agenda on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

The demolition order was rescinded and a Stop Work notice was posted on the site on Friday.

TAKE ACTION: Our work here is not done. A historic designation will protect the CPA Building from future threats of demolition. It also gives the City of Detroit Historic District Commission the power to stop demolition by neglect. If the City Council passes the interim designation on Tuesday, the Historic Designation Advisory Board will begin the process of studying the CPA Building for historic district status.

Contact your Councilmembers to tell them you support a designation for the CPA Building and want to save this building from demolition for the long-term:

Council President Brenda Jones: (313) 224-1245,
Councilmember Janeé Ayers: (313) 224-4248,
Councilmember George Cushingberry Jr.: (313) 224-4535,
Councilmember James Tate: (313) 224-1027, 
Councilmember Scott Benson: (313) 224-1198,
Councilmember Mary Sheffield: (313) 224-4505,
Councilmember Gabe Leland: (313) 224-2151,
Councilmember André Spivey: (313) 224-4841,
Councilmember Raquel Castañeda-Lopéz: (313) 224-2450,

Thank you for your advocacy, public comments, calls to Council representatives, and sharing!

Earlier updates:

11/16: A demolition permit has been issued for Corktown’s CPA Building. The Planning and Development Standing Committee will be looking at it TOMORROW (Thursday, November 17) at 10:00 A.M.

Corktown’s revitalization had relied heavily on adaptive reuse, rehab, and reconstruction of EXISTING buildings in the corridor. This particular corner property contributes to the strength, beauty, and function of Corktown as its development continues up Michigan Ave. Demolition would be a waste of material, history, time, money, and authenticity.

The CPA Building may not be a local historic district, but you can still contact your local Councilmember and members of the Planning & Economic Development Committee and tell them you want to save the CPA.

Contact info for members of the P&ED Committee include:

Councilmember Scott Benson: (313) 224-1198,
Councilmember Mary Sheffield: (313) 224-4505,
Councilmember Gabe Leland: (313) 224-2151,

You can also attend tomorrow’s meeting. There will be time allotted for public comment.
10:00 A.M. @ The Coleman Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48226

Read Crain’s Detroit article regarding the CPA Building here.
Sign the petition to save the CPA Building here.